Remote Programs =============== This file documents which programs on the remote host are used to collect different groups of facts. **bold** is used for executables that are not standard Unix programs (i.e. not grep, sed, etc.). In addition to the programs below, we depend on standard shell facilities like those provided by bash. - brms.* - find - sed - sort - grep / egrep - cpu.* - cat - grep - sed - wc - **/usr/sbin/dmidecode** - date.* - date - ls - grep / egrep - **tune2fs** - mount - sed - **yum** - tail - dmi.* - **/usr/sbin/dmidecode** - grep - sed - etc_release.* - cat - uname - file_contents.* - cat - jboss.fuse.* - find - sed - sort - echo - jboss.eap.* - **chkconfig (used if present)** - find - grep / egrep - **java** - sed - stat - df - tail - locate - ls - sort - id - test - ps - **rpm** - **systemctl (used if present)** - xargs - redhat_packages - **rpm** - redhat_release.* - **rpm** - subman.* - **subscription-manager** - grep - sed - ls - wc - awk - uname.* - uname - virt.* - command - **virsh** - ps - grep - wc - **/usr/sbin/dmidecode** - sed - cat - virt_what.* - command - **virt-what** - echo