Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Below you can find some answers to frequently asked questions:

  • Where can I find the logs associated with rho?

    You can find logs associated with rho in the $XDG_DATA_HOME/rho or the default, ~/.local/share/rho.

  • Where can I find configuration information associated with rho?

    You can find configuration information associated with rho in the $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/rho or the default, ~/.config/rho.

  • Why is rho not returning the path of JBoss EAP?

    If Java is not installed on the remote system the two tasks for detecting EAP will not complete successfully and will not display EAP installation if they are present.

  • What delimiter does rho use for the CSV report files?

    Rho generates its report in a comma seperated format using ‘,’ as the delimiter. Most office software can import this, but you must indicate that the delimiter is a comma, as some “.csv” files use tabs or semicolons.

    Importing the file with the incorrect delimiter or a mix of delimiters can cause the report to be displayed incorrectly, with the wrong data mapped to the headings.

  • I can’t open my report with my office software! (libreoffice, sheets, excel, etc.)

    Note that the file ending of the report file is determined by the user. If you are experiencing this problem, be sure that the report filename has .csv at the end to help your office software detect its format.